Efficiency and equality and the role of government dse
Price ceiling
-A maximum price allowed by the government/by law.
-普通商家自己將個價錢set係equilibrium下面唔算price ceiling,但同樣會出現shortage,其影響同price ceiling一樣。
-Effective only when it is imposed below the equilibrium price.
-When the price ceiling is set above the equilibrium (i.e., ineffective), price and quantity transacted will remain at the equilibrium level.
-Example: Rent control
Price |
Pc |
Quantity transacted |
Q1 |
Total expenditure/revenue |
Pc x Q1 |
Point to note
Total expenditure/revenue must drop under an effective price ceiling as both price and quantity transacted decrease.
Summary on the effects of an effective price ceiling
-Quantity transacted↓
-Total expenditure/revenue↓
-Emergence of shortage (excess demand)
Ways to deal with a shortage resulted from the imposition of a price ceiling
-Non-price competition
-Examples: Drawing lots/First come-first serve
-Price competition
-Examples: Imposing extra fees such as entrance fees (sellers to buyers)
-Black market
Price floor
-A minimum price allowed by the government/by law.
–普通商家自己將個價錢set係equilibrium上面唔算price floor,但同樣會出現surplus,其影響同price floor一樣。
-Effective only when it is imposed above the equilibrium price.
-When the price floor is set below the equilibrium (i.e., ineffective), price and quantity transacted will remain at the equilibrium level.
-Example: Minimum wage 最低工資 **************
Price |
Pf |
Quantity transacted |
Q1 |
Total expenditure/revenue |
Pf x Q1 |
Point to note
The effect on total expenditure/revenue due to a fall in price (caused by an effective price floor) should be uncertain, depending on the elasticity of demand.
Labour market under minimum wage (an effective price floor)
Point to note
Summary on the effects of an effective price ceiling
-Quantity transacted↓
-Total expenditure/revenue ?
-Emergence of surplus (excess supply)
Ways to deal with a surplus resulted from the imposition of a price floor
-Non-price competition
–Non-price competition
-Examples: Providing free gifts (buyers to sellers)
–Price competition
-Examples: Imposing extra fees
-Illegal price cutting by sellers
-A maximum quantity supplied of a good allowed by the government/by law.
-Effective only when it is imposed below the equilibrium quantity. (i.e.畫係equilibrium point嘅左邊)
-When the quota is set above the equilibrium quantity (畫左係equilibrium嘅右邊→ineffective), price and quantity transacted will remain at the equilibrium level.
-Example: Import/export quota
Price |
P1 |
Quantity transacted |
Q1 |
Total expenditure/revenue |
P1 x Q1 |
Point to note
-The effect on total expenditure/revenue due to a rise in price (caused by an effective quota) should be uncertain, depending on the elasticity of demand.
Effect on quality under quota
-As a quota would restrict the quantity of a good allowed to be sold, some producers will thus decide to improve their product quality to increase their competitiveness. Therefore, the average quality of the good under quota will increase.
-If an effective quota on a good is removed, the average quality of the good will thus deteriorate.
Summary on the effects of an effective quota
-Quantity transacted↓
-Total expenditure/revenue ?
-Improvement in average quality of goods
Unit tax
-Levied on every unit of output.
-Not the same as Ad valorem tax (percentage tax) which is a certain percentage of the price of a good.
Effects of a unit tax
-After the imposition of a unit tax on producers, the cost of production of producers will increase which will lead to a decrease in supply.
Point to note
-When drawing the arrow indicating the drop in supply, it should be drawn as an arrow pointing upward.
Original price |
P1 |
Price after tax = Price actually paid by consumers = Market price |
P2 |
Per unit revenue after tax = Price actually received by producers |
P3 |
Quantity transacted |
Q2 |
Consumers’ total expenditure |
P2 x Q2 |
Producers’ total revenue net of tax |
P3 x Q2 |
Consumers’ total expenditure
=Total revenue (received by producers) inclusive of tax
=Total revenue (received by producers) net of tax + total tax payment
-The change in consumers’ total expenditure should be uncertain after the imposition of a unit tax, depending on the elasticity of demand.
Producers’ total revenue net of tax
=Consumers’ total expenditure – total tax payment
=Price actually received by producers x new quantity transacted
= (New equilibrium price (P2) – Unit tax) x new quantity transacted
-Producers’ total revenue net of tax must decrease under any elasticity of demand after a unit tax is imposed as both quantity transacted, and price actually received by producers drop.
Distribution of tax burden
Total tax burden/total tax payment/total tax revenue received by government
=Consumers’ tax burden + producers’ tax burden
=Unit tax x new quantity transacted
= (P2 – P3) x Q2
Consumers’ tax burden
=Unit tax borne by consumers x new quantity transacted
= (P2 – P1) x Q2
Producers’ tax burden
=Unit tax borne by producers x new quantity transacted
= (P1 – P3) x Q2
Consumers食多D |
Ed<Es |
Producers食多D |
Es<Ed |
一樣食咁多 |
Ed = Es |
Extreme cases
Consumers食曬 |
Producers食曬 |
Perfectly inelastic demand |
Perfectly elastic demand |
Perfectly elastic supply |
Perfectly inelastic supply |
Unit subsidy
-Granted for each unit of output.
-Not the same as Ad valorem subsidy (percentage subsidy) which is a certain percentage of the price of a good.
Effects of a unit subsidy
-After the imposition of a unit subsidy on producers, the cost of production of producers will decrease which will lead to an increase in supply.
Point to note
-When drawing the arrow indicating the increase in supply, it should be drawn as an arrow pointing downward.
Original price |
P1 |
Price after subsidy = Price actually paid by consumers = Market price |
P2 |
Per unit revenue after subsidy = Price actually received by producers |
P3 |
Quantity transacted |
Q2 |
Consumers’ total expenditure |
P2 x Q2 |
Producers’ total revenue including subsidy |
P3 x Q2 |
Consumers’ total expenditure
=Producers’ total revenue excluding subsidy
-The change in consumers’ total expenditure should be uncertain after the imposition of a unit subsidy, depending on the elasticity of demand.
Producers’ total revenue including subsidy
=Consumers’ total expenditure + total amount of subsidy granted
=Price actually received by producers x new quantity transacted
= (New equilibrium price (P2) + Unit subsidy) x new quantity transacted
-Producers’ total revenue including subsidy must increase under any elasticity of demand after a unit subsidy is imposed as both quantity transacted, and price actually received by producers increase.
Distribution of subsidy
Total amount of subsidy granted (by government)
=Consumers’ subsidy benefit + producers’ subsidy benefit
=Unit subsidy x new quantity transacted
= (P3 – P2) x Q2
Consumers’ subsidy benefit
=Unit subsidy enjoyed by consumers x new quantity transacted
= (P1 – P2) x Q2
Producers’ tax burden
=Unit subsidy enjoyed by producers x new quantity transacted
= (P3 – P1) x Q2
Consumers享受多D |
Ed<Es |
Producers享受多D |
Es<Ed |
一樣享受咁多 |
Ed = Es |
Extreme cases
Consumers享受曬 |
Producers享受曬 |
Perfectly inelastic demand |
Perfectly elastic demand |
Perfectly elastic supply |
Perfectly inelastic supply |
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DSE Econ 文章系列
- 經濟表現的量度 Measure of economic performance
- 國民收入決定及價格水平 National income determination and price level
- 貨幣與銀行 Money and Banking
- 宏觀經濟問題和政策 Macroeconomic Problems and policies
- 國際貿易和金融 International Trade and Finance