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calcultion of national statistics dse

【DSE Econ】Caluculation of national statistics 最齊精讀|囊括所有背書內容【懶人包】

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Calculation of national statistics dse



Difference between nominal and real GDP

Nominal GDP = current year price level*real output


Real GDP = base year price level x real output


Real GDP = Nominal GDP x Price level in base year / Price level in current year


% change in GDPn = % change in GDPr + % change in P


Per capital GDP

Per capita GDPn = GDPn / Total population


Per capita GDPr = GDPr / Total population


% change in Per capital GDPn/r = % change in GDPn/r – % change in total population

Full employment GDP

It is the GDP when an economy useu all of iqts resources efficiently.


Uses of national income statistics

Assess the economic performance of an economy or an industry


Reflect the economic welfare of an economy


Facilitate international comparison

Limitations of national income statistics

  1. When GDP consist of a large proportion of investment and exports, GDP may overestimate the standard of living
  2. The value of some unpaid services is not counted, GDP may underestimate the standard of living.
  3. The value of leisure is not counted, GDP cannot reflect the actual standard of living when leisure increases/decreases.
  4. GDP may overestimate the standard of living since undesirable effects of production are not considered.
  5. Since the distribution of income is not reflected in GDP, if the income distribution is rather uneven, GDP may overestimate the standard of living.


Price index indicating the price level

Consumer price index (CPI)

It is a figure that shows the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by domestic households in a specific period relative to the base year price level.


CPI(A), CPI(B) and CPI(C) reflect the price levels of products generally purchased by domestic households in the lower, medium and higher expenditure ranges.


The composite CPI reflects the price level of products generally purchased by the above households.

GDP deflator

It is a figure that shows the price level of goods and services related to GDP in a specific period relative to the base year price level.


GDP deflator = Nominal GDP / Real GDP x 100


Differences between CPI and GDP deflator



GDP deflator


Only consumer goods and services purchased by domestic households

Both consumer and producer goods and services related to GDP


Can better reflect the cost of living

Can better reflect the price level and the purchasing power of money


Updated every 5 years in fixed weights

Updated every year in variable weights


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中文科:Issac Lo 經致中文
英文科:Learn Smart English Team
數學科:GJ Mathematics

更多線上課程:Upgrade HK
